
Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

How dare you insinuate I am not a real person! Bobby Finger real. Bobby Finger actual human man. Do not doubt Bobby Finger.

I joined birch box! I love having the box come every month (I’ve gotten 3 so far), and mini-me gets one sample and I get the others, and then she gets the box, which she loves.

I need you to know that I watched that video at least five times before replying. And there are so many other cat videos in the search bar just waiting for me to watch them. I now have exciting Saturday plans thanks to you.

I need cheering up. There will be layoffs soon at my company and my boss yelled at me today. I’m 90% sure I’m getting the ax. I’m sure I can get back in my feet fairly quickly but I’ve never been asked to leave anything, people always want me to work/help. Ugh. I also have homework due tomorrow notch and my

I just came back from birthday dinner with the two older kids plus the Twerp. Big Foot did not want to come. I had a birthday margarita and am just a little bit tipsy so now I get to try to write the end of the terrible, no good and mostly useless book of ketogenic recipes that I loathe and was due three days ago.

Office politics & office gossip are terrible, there is no way to win. Best to not participate. I think the only thing to do is apologize to both parties - separately.

this is why I don’t do online dating. Or any dating, really.

I’ve been needing to confess this to sympathetic folks (my significant other did not care):

I got my kitten spayed today. I took a picture and she could be on a poster for animal abuse.

I clench my teeth when I pet my cats, I’ve always wondered if I was the only one.

I’ve been sick most of the week and work is bumming me out a lot... but Zack Morris like my tweet last night and that made my whole week.

How many of you get cuteness aggression when you see something cute? Like you just clench your fists and wanna punch something it’s so cute? I get that way with baby pandas for real.

Same, same, same!

SSHHHHHHHH!!! Momma’s watching her stories!

Langley and Pheobe will be there too. :)

Did you watch the brief reboot of AMC on Hulu?

Preach, my sister. AMC was the tits. I’m still angry that I will not get to watch Tad Martin turn into a lecherous old grandpa who farts without compunction and tells dirty jokes at Thanksgiving.

RIP, Agnes.

I will never forgive ABC for canceling All My Children, but at least the good people at Lifetime are keeping La Lucci employed. I am a second-generation All My Children fan - my mom watched for basically the entire duration of the show, me from 1990-90, then sporadically after that. It was silly, but fun, and a lot