
A hydrogen filled Zeppelin would be awesome in a rally. Why drive through sand and over rocks when you could cruise safely above while sipping a martini on the observation deck.

Hahaha. I was wondering if you would have something to say about the swipe at smarts. Have you ever had any desire to get an iQ, and if not, why?

Learn to tie a gag properly and that sound goes away.

Scary. I am too much a coward to ever buy stock on margin. It may mean I will never be filthy rich but I would rather go slow and steady and feel more secure.

It was a 2 speed direct shift unit from Magna. Although they had to lock out first gear. It was just an interim solution.

Pretty much. Except that the mountain is a chemical factory, the forest is a city, and the river has a bridge. Other than that, totally.

Eek. Even worse.

It will never crash. Now excuse me while I leverage my brokerage account to buy on margin.

Some of us work at the top of boulder strewn mountains in the middle of a forest that also has a river we need to ford. 

All sound advice. For the pickup trucks, your average half-ton truck probably hasn’t done more than the suburban home depot runs. For larger trucks, I would never buy one in fleet spec white. A lot of those ones get used hard. A snow plow is also a big red flag.

Freezing at the nozzles can be an issue, though a lot of automakers have heated nozzles now.

The original Tesla Roadster had a 2 speed manual. However, it sometimes shredded gears because of how much torque it made.

The idea of public transit is great until you’re stuck on a crowded bus with somebody who hasn’t showered since the Bush administration.


They have been doing this for ages over on Jalopnik. Easy way to get 2 articles a day and lots of click$.

Yeah. Imagine being the driver and getting $200 for dealing with having a stranger in your car for 17 hours.

Get this man a Buick! Spacious, quiet, and fairly efficient.

A few years back, I had moved and mistakenly sent a package to my old house. I went over, and there it was on the porch. I knocked on the door, no answer. So I made sure I had i.d. and took the box. I was paranoid about being suddenly swarmed by cops. I am sure I looked way more suspicious than 99% of professional

Niagara Falls, NY had an unmarked Tahoe with a stick figure family sticker on the rear window. I saw that one catching speeders quite a few times