
My thing is a glass of whiskey while watching Jeopardy. (Please note that, as unlikely as it seems, I am under 60) I notice that pours slowly increase over the year so I do dry January to re-set. It does often run into February or sometimes even March. I also appreciate the savings after the holidays. Booze in Canada

The problem with Chevy is that they can’t seem to stop themselves from making trucks that are uglier AND less capable (on paper) than Ford and Ram.

The one piece cab/bed immediately outs this as something not designed as a work vehicle. There is no option to put on a flatbed or a utility bed.

It amazes me that you folks actually live in that cold, barren wasteland. 

Oof. Yeah I avoid those kind of places at all costs. They just make me too nervous. It is hard to find a decent mechanic though. The last time I moved I needed to get a safety inspection on my ‘67 CJ. I went to a bunch of shops and talked to people. If the vibe was even slightly off, I stayed away from there.

The tow hook on a 2009 VW GLI is also reverse thread. Maybe there is a reason for tow hooks. Like maybe so jackasses don’t just thread any old bolt that isn’t rated for towing? 

Oh, that would be annoying. Especially if you didn’t know it was rev. threaded. A buddy of mine got an almost new miter saw with a bad blade for $20. The arbor nut is reverse thread and was REALLY tight. He figured the previous owner sold it because he didn’t know how it threaded and couldn’t change the blade.

What you need to do is compare Edomonton, Calgary, and Red Deer. Red Deer should be halfway between the two in road quality.

A guy I knew from Southern Italy tried to tell me that they make roads out of better material there because they didn’t have as many potholes. I reminded him that roads here go through a lot more freeze/thaw cycles and snowplows.

I did that tour too. It was really cool. I think the Saturn V rocket was my favourite part. 

In addition to the 91's I had, my brother had a 96 XJ. I can’t remember if he had the disconnect. You may very well be right though. 

As I read that, I was wondering where the hell you got those numbers. At the end, it all of a sudden made sense.

Flammability is an issue with higher methanol concentrations. Cost is a major factor for other ingredients. The most expensive part is usually the jug it comes in. Margins on jugs, especially to places like Wal-Mart are razor thin. Sometimes they sell it so low that I am convinced it is at a loss to get people in the

A buddy of mine got stuck because of a cracked vacuum hose on the front axle. Replaced it with a cable actuated unit pretty quick. I am glad they stopped the disconnecting axle in the 1997 update.

I kinda like this XJ. I have a pair of junk 1991 XJ’s both with AW4 automatics and NP 242 transfer cases. This would be a great swap candidate. 

I work at a company that makes windshield washer fluid (WWF) and spent the first 8 years of my career in the lab. The freeze point listed on WWF is the temperature that it turns into a brick in the bottle. WWF contains 3 ingredients, water (duh), surfactant (like a soap), and an anti-freeze which is typically

Well said.

Cavaliers are lick Bic lighters, when they run out of fuel, you get a new one.

It says right in the article that he is from Texas.

And of course, the local news will run a feature on this. People tune out most commercials but pay attention to the local features.