Ah, I see. That makes more sense now.
Ah, I see. That makes more sense now.
I’m a bit confused, if he was getting up near weight limits with a 3500 dually, why would he switch to a 2500? Is there something I’m missing here?
I thought in Texas, you had to lift your truck?
Haha. My wife complains that my feet look better than hers. I wear workboots all day and she spends a lot of time in flip flops. Of course, when I take off my boots, my feet are often RIPE.
Vice-grips are something I always go brand- name on. THe knockoffs I have used are always terrible. The Vice grip brade ones are still not very expensive. I have 5 pairs and use them all the time.
Just WTF? This is some serious midwestern nonsense. What town do you live in, I want to avoid it.
None of the graphs were particularly good but this one was the worst buy far. Rob is a good writer but a sub-par grapher.
I figure, I’m probably worth a negative ransom value.
I bet somebody with enough authority wanted a boat and signed off on it. That person is probably retired or somewhere else now and they can’t figure out what justification was used to buy it.
Audi (and perhaps others) have special Extra Loud horns for the Indian market. I guess honking is nothing special if everybody is doing it.
Yeah, bad joke. Should have actually engaged my brain before typing. Glad you called me on that.
I do mostly hand tool work but use a table saw for prepping stock. I love the Diablo rip blade. They are reasonable price and do a decent job. If I am using my crosscut sled, I don’t even bother to change the blade any more. It works fine.
Damn you. I was just going to say that.
What did lead ever do to you?
I want to have my cake and eat it too.