
Well Ford already has the Platinum level. I’m guessing it is supposed to be in reference to tungsten carbide machining tools, since those are sort of the best all-purpose machining tools. The other materials you specified are all associated too much with bourgeoise luxury and not the “working man” luxury of a truck.

I was gonna say, I wouldn’t get within 100 feet of any vehicle gifted by another country’s leader. Especially not one with a history of assassinations and poisonings that would make a Bond villain envious.

Also going to guess that the build quality is also a total joke. 

The North Koreans will never, ever, be able to have an open conversation in that limo. The Russians will have 100% access to that vehicle forever-no matter what the North Korean tech team does.

I have a friend who worked at the local coroner’s office. It was his job to get the bodies, when necessary, from cruise ships when they were in port. They do have morgues as it happens all the time. Put a bunch of people with underlying health conditions into a disease factory amped up with poor food and alcohol? You

Owen - you should buy this half a million dollar Volvo

Thank you for being a virtual friend.

Still unsure why everyone is lamenting the lack of a Netflix app. Would much rather have a “Golden Girls” app called VRthur.

Feel like Toyota got a lot of hate for their failure to jump straight into EVs. But it always struck me as really the only sensible approach. Maximize hybrid efficiency while investing in PHEV; maximize PHEV while investing in EV (and watch what everyone else is doing); have a reliable, fast-charging, long-lasting EV

I love seeing the cars on the show and I’m partial to sun damaged early middle-aged half-trashy blondes with fake boobs. Are those your reasons lol.

Regardless of ownership, that color is freaking spectacular on that car. Not the biggest fan of the white with black seat inserts but it’s a not-so-bad interior on a 10/10 exterior.

When you thought you were stealing a Mustang...

Depends on how you look at sustainability. Getting the most time/miles out of a vehicle’s embedded energy costs are often overlooked, and as we all know Toyotas tend to run a loooong time. It’s more sustainable to drive a Tacoma 300K miles than an electric Hummer (I know, extreme example) for whatever it’s lifespan

I work at shoprite, don’t make much more than minimum wage - and I can tell you at least in my store, on my shift those slicers are cleaned so well I’d happily serve my own grandmother anything off them. Not all of us are lazy and incompetent - in fact most of the people I work with bust their rears every shift.

I had a motorized meat slicer in my kitchen for years. Nothing over the top or industrial grade but it was great for more than just slicing meats; good for certain cheeses and veggies too. You could get paper-thin onion slices.

I’m a Jets fan. I can never bring myself to have anything less than extreme contempt for other AFC East teams. In a bubble, taking away my Jets fandom, I sort of just feel bad for the Bills. I could not imagine the mental toll of losing 4 SBs in a row.

Just curious why you hate the Bills? Like there are way more hateable teams out there. I hope it’s not because of the fans. I actually find the Buffalo fans to be the nicest group of fans as a whole. Yeah they are obnoxious on TV, but in person they are much nicer than most other fans. And its not even close. Probably

When I was a kid, my dad had a set of chains in the trunk. I only remember him putting them on once and it was a royal pain in the butt. So, I figure chains are stupid.

I would harvest some of those and also some vespene gas in order to build a siege tank.