
I grew up on a small family farm and I really appreciated Clarkson’s Farm for showing some of the insane difficulty with farming. You can do everything right and if it rains too much or too little, you are screwed. Clarkson at least has the resources to buy brand new equipment. Nothing is worse than having good

My wife is NOT a car person but she loved the old Top Gear and now the Grand Tour. She has picked up a little bit of car knowledge by osmosis and appreciates my interest in cars even though she doesn’t share it. 

A guy I knew in passing got a Huracan and I noticed the off-center engine. We couldn’t think of why it is but I found it irritating. The owner wasn’t bothered by it because he had a Lamborghini and I don’t.

I gotta ask, what were you wearing that didn’t meet the dress code?

What axle do you have? My TJ has a Dana 35 (lame) but it is limited slip. 

The more important question is why they put the poverty spec dash in the ad. No radio, and no cover on the glove box.

I grew up in NY and our teachers union was not allowed to strike. They did have a dispute where they picketed before and after school and refused to do all sports and extra-curricular activities.

The last time we tried that, Mr. Burns stole it and handed it to Fidel Castro

Ah the good old days when you could whack your kid in public and nobody batted an eye. My dad was in elementary school in the late 50's/ early 60's and he said the principal was a stern old lady with a wooden paddle in her office.

I haven’t watched Bull, but I heard that it is based on Dr. Phil of trashy daytime TV fame. He actually had a company that did that exact thing.

That’s exactly why I have a WRX. I wanted one as a kid and now I can afford one. I live in a rural area in Canada so with a good set of snow tires, I can get through most amounts of snow. I like that that the car can get out of its own way but I have no desire to race anybody or do anything silly.

Exactly! Every minute spent driving in snow, you are in danger. Drive faster to minimize time exposed to danger!

Old diesels can run on just about anything. I have run a diesel tractor on paint thinner. However, I would imagine a modern, computer controlled diesel would freak out if you mess around with ‘non-traditional’ fuels.

I would imagine it takes some learning to not hit the curb every time you make a turn with that.

Man. The warmest vehicle I ever had was a single cab Chevy S10. Tiny volume and a fantastic heater. GM couldn’t keep the cab corners from rusting out but they but a bangin’ heater in it.

Yeah. That movie suuuuuucked. I had completely forgotten it existed.

I know you’ll get it sorted. I look forward to hearing what the deal is. Good luck with everything!

What do you do with a drunken pilot?