Every now and then I wonder what I could get for my TJ or CJ5. Don’t know if I can part with either though.
Every now and then I wonder what I could get for my TJ or CJ5. Don’t know if I can part with either though.
Oooh. I like that.
I also learned about compound interest a couple of different times. We also did some personal finance. For reference, I graduated from high school in 2003. I think the problem is that a lot of people don’t pay attention or retain what they learn in school. Those are the types that then to go on to take out crappy…
Assuming his total is still 13 vehicles, that is $5200, or enough to buy 13 more cars.
I quit Facebook about 10 years ago so it is disheartening to see things move from CL or Kijiji to FB. I don’t want to go back to that cesspool of a network.
Having an extra car is key. My VW was one of the best cars I ever owned but it was a total lemon. The electric steering rack went which could be a fluke but the intake manifold was replaced 3 times. I think that the cold in Buffalo (where I lived at the time) made the plastic butterfly valves brittle and prone to…
Rob, the reason I come back to this column every day is not the cars, but your commentary. What other men your age will reference ‘Mean Girls’ in an article about cars?
What’s more manly and patriotic than lining the pockets of Mohammad bin Salman al Saud?
At least in my case, old cars are ‘better’ if you define better as ‘slower, less safe, objectively worse in other ways, but somehow more fun’. Like how a tent or RV is objectively worse than a house for living in but in small doses, camping is fun. Unless it rains.
I had a 7 hour power outage last night. Could have used a generator or battery. Off to Kijiji!
It’s funny. That VW was the only car I ever financed and the only car I got the warranty on. I was at the time young, had been driving a string of junkers. I wanted something that I wouldn’t have to worry about. I spent about $2k on the warranty and it paid out over $3k in repairs.
Well damn. I did my best to treat that car well. All service done on time, at the dealership, using OEM parts. Then it turns out that one of its many failures was caused by me using the wrong windshield washer fluid. Oh, well.
Yep. Buddy cheaped out on tires. What else was done as cheaply as possible? Did they use oil from Dollar General?
That’s how we like to keep it!
Dude, I had a washer fluid sensor die on me. I was using rain-x fluid regularly. I wonder if that’s what did it.
My interests are such that when I spend money, it doesn’t make me look rich. It sounds weird but it’s kind of true. Some of my recent purchases have been a 1952 John Deere tractor to plow snow. I could have bought a newer/better tractor or snow blower but I like old stuff. I also just got a box of old hand planes. I…
In Florida, the further North you go, the more “Southern” it gets. I think that area is more like Alabama than Florida
You need to quit this fake “Husband in Canada” nonsense. I am up here in Canada and haven’t met a single person married to you! It seems that all Canada is to the US is a source of fake girlfriends/boyfriends. We’re real people!!!
I totally see the draw of the snowbird life. I would never want to endure a Florida summer. I think it takes a special kind of person to Florida year-round.
When I bought my GLI it was off lease, I got the extended warranty. That warranty covered a steering rack and 3 new intake manifolds. Totally paid for iteslf.