
Activate interlock. Dynatherms to Dynatherms.

Not many have gotten nuclear heat lately. I can think of only a handful:

Maybe Ellsworth when he climbed the ladder at MiTB to drop the case.

Roman at number 30 at the 2017 Rumble, after Samoa Joe and Finn Balor returning from injury rumors.

Cena in Chicago against CM Punk for just being Cena.

I worked at a grocery store for 7 years, 6 of which were during college. (two degrees, changed majors).

I told my coworkers very early on that I’m going to get on the loudspeaker intercom and yell “I Quit” when I finally did quit.

Finished college, got a decent office job. Did that shit, and also rode a pallet jack

The Prince performance will never be topped and Prince is dead, now.

The halftime show should die, too.

Jolteon with Pin Missile in Gen 1 was no joke. Koga and Sabrina stood no chance.

These guys are gonna be in for a shock when the $19 billion dollars that Nike makes internationally doesn’t budge.

I had an employee email me once at 2am saying he quit and then the next day called me on the phone and blamed Ambien.

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Let’s not forget that Papa John has a Papa Mansion to make payments on.

I miss Nick Denton’s fervent desire to stare at Hulk Hogan’s penis. But yes, it does feel like old times.

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You mean like how it used to be before 2009?

Notice no players on the sidelines in 1991 for one of the most famous Super Bowl anthem performances ever.

Season Five was so good, but so dark.

Joss had finished with Buffy, Firefly was cancelled, so he was in the mood to come back to the one show he still had going to kill everything we loved.

Ichiro was the only New York Yankee that I ever liked.

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This kid has someone great looking out for him. He’s already seen The Natural.

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“Old King Tut” got a short renaissance when Boardwalk Empire introduced Billie Kent.

*uneducated statement complaining about Baltimore’s mayor and crime and possibly shoehorning in Black Lives Matter as the reasoning why I don’t drive in to the city from Howard County*

Please be careful when talking about Hulk Hogan. We already lost Gawker and that’s fine. But if I start losing AV Club or i09, I might get depressed.

Does South Park still have Tuong Lu Kim from City Wok? Do they get a pass because South Park?

The Miz will be heralded as a legendary heel whenever he retires. He can garner heat and great storylines against any opponent.

Also, keep Daniel Bryan healthy. I need Miz vs D.B. in the ring again.

Season 7 Episode 1. Negan finally killed people after that stupid cliffhanger, and I stopped investing anymore.

Back in the first few seasons, everyone was expendable and contracts were season to season. Now, Michonne, Rick and Daryl are all on contract until Season 10. So every time they’re in peril, just remember the

So essentially, Trump could look like Ronald Reagan during an allergic reaction to self tanner?