
It still boggles my mind that I can’t just go to a manufacturer’s car configurator, spec out a car the way I want it, and then order one to be delivered to my door. The dealership model is absolutely insane and serves the interests of no-one but a bunch of predatory middle-men. Car shopping absolutely sucks, and

Its all President Trumps fault. If he would have given away tax dollars to start government programs, I am just sure that the brand would have survived. If only President Trump would have started some junior motorcycle training course in middle of NYC then Harley may have had a shot. Sadly you Conservative fuckbags

Geologic evidence over several billion years has suggested earth’s climate changes quickly and drastically. It’s not climate denial to suggests and question the current religion of climate change.  Too much credit is given to human intelligence, we dont understand most things on earth except climate scientists they

BTW, Karal and Mucaj, right? lol I don’t know about the former, but the latter is an Albanian name; they both look ambiguously “ethnic,” especially the little Mucaj fella. They are not as “white” as they think they are, bless their hearts. And they are about to find that out.

But Obamacare fixed all that, right? 

Unless, like Oliver, the whole process has left you so wound up you can’t remember your own phone number.


I am neutral on Trump. My 401K loves him.

Let’s start the blame where it should have started. With the fucking idiots who thought it was a good idea to keep a fucktape online against a court order saying to stop having it online. THAT fuckup started the spiral that is still going today. That led to the fucktard that is Spanfeller to get control and make it

OR... he just killed a very bad person responsible for literally millions of atrocious human rights violations. You see what you want to see.

5,500 incidents out of 1.3 billion rides is actually quite low. 

I’d like to know how those numbers compare with simply going outside on a daily basis. I’d wager a guess that you’re still far safer calling for an Uber after dark than walking home alone.

The point is that we don’t need to be chastised for driving cars. It’s not the problem and, even if it were, trying to guilt people into not driving isn’t going to work. Most people who drive do so because they have to in order to support themselves and their families. For many, it’s not asking them to stop eating

Bingo. They over-saturated their product. In combination with politics being dragged in, monster tv/player/coach contracts that inflate ticket prices, and the way society is going as a whole; football just doesn’t have the same appeal it did up until the mid to late 2000's. 

$50k for an Edge? What in the actual fuck....

I’m pretty sure he is actually talking historically. If we had more than a 35 second clip we might be able to parse the information better. Or would that hurt the snarky article? 

Didn’t see the game, but I’ll just assume Michael Bradley played.

shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it

Hang on a minute. If it had happened on Fox News, It’d be “down with Fox” and countless I-told-you-so’s. But If it happens on ABC, it’s just some millennial intern effing up? Is that how it works? Listen to yourself!

See what you just did there? You started off with “it’s hard to imagine any other scenario for how this happened in response to the speculative comment “Likelihood that an active disinformation operation fed a video to the channel in order to make them look bad.”