Actually laughed out loud at this. The fact you can’t see how things were the exact same under President Obama is truly shocking. Literally all of those things (minus the dyslexia) occurred under him.
Actually laughed out loud at this. The fact you can’t see how things were the exact same under President Obama is truly shocking. Literally all of those things (minus the dyslexia) occurred under him.
What’s wrong with endorsing Kanye? Are you racist?
The point is that your comment was 100% avoidable and unnecessary.
This is incredibly stupid.
How’s it racist to impersonate someone’s accent? Genuinely interested.
Apparently, hard enough for you to completely not understand.
Uh, no it’s literally not.
How do you still have a job?
What? They’re giving them literally a month and a half to find new jobs.
Don’t understand. What specifically does Dr. Disrespect do to piss you off? Genuinely interested.
Sounds like you’re the one with the hatred, bro.
When was he racist?
Make a totally baseless claim. Cool.
Then explain.
Or because he’s funny? Like this holier than thou attitude from you is nauseating.
Explain your thought process. The dude raised literally tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars for charities...
No. It’s not a noose, period. It was a piece of rope used to pull down the garage.
What an ignorant comment. Care to redact your comment and apologize for your hateful words?
Care to comment? Will you redact your post?