
Haha Ferraris holding value is 100% not due to having a good warranty.

Mind if I screenshot this so I can laugh at how stupid this is in ~50 years?

You realize that death count is drastically skewed due to attributing every death to coronavirus, right? Even those where the individual had a preexisting condition?

Like Nathan Grayson?

Wow thank you for telling us about that. What a crisis.

So Democrats were willing to make tens of millions of Americans suffer without stimulus/small business loans, but now we are supposed to congratulate them for this empty gesture?

That’s so stupid it actually physically pains me.

Until a Republican wins due to a large percentage of mail votes... then what time will you sing?

This is literally laugh out loud funny. You’re not being serious, right? So you don’t see the issues of vote by mail or do you simply think everything a white man says is inherently racist? It’s ok if it’s the latter because the former most certainly is not racially motivated. It’s 100% preventing voter fraud. I

Dude “impeachident”?! Wow. Can I steal that?

I don’t think you understand climate versus weather.

Care to comment since this contradicts everything this site posts?

That’s not a serious question, right?

What? There’s no way you’re this dense.

Holy shit is that a racist statement.

I agree. CNN has been extremely inconsistent.

They’re all in blue states?

I agree, but the death statistics are grossly inflated. Check out pneumonia and other respiratory illness death statistics over the past few months. They are essentially zero because everything is getting lumped under the coronavirus. It’s disingenuous, misleading, and downright dangerous. 

Hard to imagine a post with more things incorrect. Bravo!