
You do know viruses have been named after where they originated since... basically forever, right? Oh yes, of course you don’t. I don’t even know why I even asked.

Do you mean a “different reality” where people have to pay for stuff? I think you’re confused on your political parties here, bud. Democrats are the ones who promise the moon, but fail to realize you uh... actually have to pay for stuff.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is satire.

Sounds incredibly selfish.

So now we are criticizing every politician who doesn’t support free healthcare? Fun.

Wrong. It spreads less easily than many other flu viruses. You are unequivocally incorrect.

I’m telling you right now. There’s no way this kills six figures. No way.

Can I screen shot this tweet for when < 10,000 die worldwide?

You like to think about this? How fucked up are you?

I can’t tell if you’re stupid or just stupid.

Wow dude you’re so cool and trendy. So self aware. I’m so impressed.

So what amazing thing did you see?

Nope. He got shot for literally resisting arrest and then attempting to run. But hey, continue playing the victim.

It’s almost like certain people take everything offensively, while certain people don’t.

Let alone the fact that saying has no relevance to anything he said.

The funny part about Democrats trying is just that.

So it didn’t originate in a lab in China? Which part do you disagree with here?

Lol no

Kate McKinnon is god awful.