
Cool - so it’s banned for black People saying the word, as well?

I would think being Bernie Sanders’ assistant would have to be the WOAT.

God Bernie Sanders truly is one of the worst debaters I’ve ever seen.

Yes, my exact thoughts.

Exactly. Typical Democratic jargon.

There is absolutely 0.00001% chance this is true. No way.

Could you please ask “How much money does the DNC give you to discuss climate change?” Thank you in advance.

I’m go a step further and assume you were never going to watch. Weird hill to die on.

Trump is absolutely dominating the campaigning trail right now, but hey. Racism. Right?

Ah, more passive racism against whites. Love it.

I mean the fact you don’t understand why is very telling.

$35,000?!?!?! Hahahahahahaha

Think you’re getting confused with having plans and having tangible, realistic plans that people actually want.

Ah, the person who knows nothing about the stock market has joined the discussion.

How is it a sign of a broken system? Him having $10B to donate doesn’t impact my net worth in the slightest.

On my calculation of 10% of wealth not being enough for you, I take it you donated $4,000 this year? Please confirm.

Dude. Sick put downs towards Trump. 

Do describe what you mean by “factually accurate”.

So Jody, by my calculations, you making $30,000 a year, you donated $3,000 last year? Or are you just another person in the long list of the “do as I say, not as I do” crowd?

Welcome to the 2020 Democratic Party. They literally refuse to believe anything that’s not their exact idea... and if you believe it... welp, you’re literally Hitler.