
What rules (specifically) have the Republicans ignored?

? How would this be a Chinese hoax?

Lol say that to TheRoot and Jezebel.

Dude that’s awesome you’re celebrating (and hoping) white people get their asses kicked. That’s so trendy and certainly not racist in the least.

So CNN and MSNBC are or are not also spreading propaganda? Just want to see how honest you are...


This is so undeniably stupid that it’s hard to think of where to start.

Think you’re confusing the cart with the horse. A strong stock market is indicative of a strong economy, not vice versa.

And continued to evolve into “Fuck wypipo”.

I’m trying to conceptualize getting worked up offer something as inconsequential as AF1’s livery... and I just can’t... god you are insufferable.

You do realize Kansas City literally straddles Kansas and Missouri, right? I honestly think you don’t.

I assure you the US’ test is no more difficult than most (if not all) other countries. But hey, it’s fun to play the victim in today’s America.

Waiting for The Root to publicly apologize to white people (ahem WIPIPO) for calling us racist for doubting Jussie Smollet’s story. Will it happen? Fuck no.

Vote clue no matter what. Welcome to modern politics...

Bingo. Same thing with white or black. 

That wasn’t his point, you condescending prick.

You are such a douche

lol of course you went with a racist angle

Hahaha no. It’s boring as hell.

That’s not true. There are A LOT of writers out there who would be willing to write for Deadspin. Don’t get yourself personal agenda confused with reality.