
Sick small sample anecdotal evidence bro.

Well sounds like you just totally missed the point of his comment.

Idk, but people describing a boyfriend or girlfriend as their “partner” is terribly annoying.

California is on a roll for being truly one of the dumbest states.

AOC is this stupid car personified.

Kotaku/Deadspin/etc are all becoming martyrs. Nobody wants to work with them (and for good reason).

Lol you think the Browns lost by 30 because of the refs? That’s actually hilarious.

Haha he sucks as a passer. Mark my words... he will finish with a 1.5:1 TD/INT ratio.

Deadspin is so ducking stupid.

Now if only you could recommend cars as well as you understand them...

Dude. Thanks for sharing.

What do you mean by “regrettable politics”?

Wait what? How did you bring race into this?

Fun convo until politics (yet again).

Wait? You don’t think he should have been fined? My God, 2019 needs to end.

He’s a “racist shithead” for making a comment in a joking manner? Good god.

No rich person in history would give someone shit for buying a $30k Honda Civic/Accord.

No you’re not. You’re obviously trolling.

Don’t give CNBC any ideas.

Wait. You think the Bills are a bad team?