
People in Indy are extremely happy with this decision. If you don’t understand all of the factors to led to this assessment, then you probably shouldn’t write about it.

The tax revenue generated from said stadium improvements will far surpass the monetary expense of said improvement. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of basic economics would understand this fact.

Everyone watching with us was literally laughing out loud at how ridiculous Arya and Lady Mormont have become. I’m supposed to believe someone 5 feet tall (or less) can out battle seasoned knights/warriors? It’s hilarious.

Ironic considering your obsession with Trump.

Were you born an idiot or just became one in the last ~3 years?

Has a Democrat ever laughed?

That wasn’t the intent of your original post, you ignorant dolt. You specifically called me out although you are very clearly wrong.

Considering the threats specifically directed towards Catholics, you probably may want to redirect your stupid little deflection. 

No unnecessary digs at Trump? Wow, you’re evolving, Tom.

Oh wow. Someone may be late to middle school.

It’s basically today’s Democrat in acronym terms.

It’s cute when you don’t see how biased you are.

Because that’s very obviously who was targeted.

I agree. The business owners in Flint should do something about it.

If you don’t see the difference in these two things...

Both are hard to take seriously, especially Arya.


How Arya Stark Became A Badass Killer”

At this rate, he probably should stage a fake beating by guys yelling “MAGA!”

Who gives a shit on any on this?