
I come to Jalopnik for the car culture. I stay at Jalopnik for idiotic takes/posts such as these.

Artists realize that the fake negative backlash of “supporting the NFL” isn’t worth it. I totally understand.

Traitorous queers like Pat are the people who help their buddies get away with heinous misdeeds—these awful men couldn’t possibly be bigoted in any way if one of their pals is a real live “gayball.”

Is this the worst comment in Deadspin history?

That didn’t answer my question. 

All you have to do is reference that Nintendo created actual cardboard boxes and claimed they encouraged creativity. That right there displays the state of Nintendo.

I’ve reread this post a few times and for the life of me don’t understand why this is on Deadspin. 

Because there’s a huge difference between social and economic issues you fucking idiot.

Joe Buck has spent too many years being a pud to ever sound convincing or cool while cursing”

Nothing else to really say outside of Fuck You.

So when will Gizmodo redact all the related posts claiming Republicans were awful?

A bit off subject, but my god, has this car aged poorly. It truly looks horrible now.

Who. The. FUck. Cares. It was ten years ago.

So you were listening to right wing radio simply to make fun of it? Riiiiiight.

I love when websites such as Splinter News posts things like this.

Vlad’s buddy saw the result of this experiment, but said “Screw it... I have a better idea.”

The most disgusting thing is definitely the guys brushing their teeth when five dudes are simultaneously shitting in the stalls right next to the sink.

Would you have been triggered it it said “white”? No... so shut the fuck up.

But Hamilton Nolan vehemently argued for higher minimum wages... this is what happens.

Wait. What’s tone deaf here?