
So you’re criticizing Republicans for something that very clearly died in 2005, but HE is the asshole? Ok, bro. Think you may need to spend some time off the internet.

Oh my god. Are you ducking kid me right now?

I love how Deadspin and it’s ilk think this constitutes a story. This is slightly more shocking than the “Kavanaugh once threw ice at a bar” story, meaning both are less shocking than “My grandmother won a match of Wii Mario Kart”.

Maybe you don’t know how connections work... but hey, that’s not surprising.

She may be the least funny person I’ve ever seen on SNL. Surely you’re joking.

I don’t think I follow, but I’ll indulge you. How do you think he’s securing the drunk frat bro? What are you insinuating here? Because either you’re being full racist or just extremely bigoted, so explain yourself.

In real, practical terms, NBA 2K19 is a game that trains you to identify the will of brands, and do it, and get gratification from that, and get a competitive advantage over other humans because of it. That’s evil. It’s straight-up evil.”

What specific rape are you referencing? 

Ya bro it was only about racism! Dude, sick burn, bro.

I legit love when people compare things that are very clearly not-Nazi to Nazis. It’s hilarious.

Holy false equivalence.

I love Deadspin is conveniently ignoring all the heinous sexist, racist, and misogynistic posts made by your editors, including senior editor. Not just that, but you’re CONTINUING to call out others for the same shit. It’s borderline shocking.

I find drinking beer in college to be highly offensive, too.

Next time maybe try on explaining the background behind the meme. Because, as it is, this is by far the worst thing you’ve ever written.

OSU was clearly expecting a run of some sort. They simply outcoached Franklin and staff.

Likelihood Lauren wrote this post is about 1:500.

Have any of the editors been fired from Deadspin yet? Diana - I’m sure you don’t feel comfortable working with men like that.

This may be one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever read. My God.

Racism like this is truly astounding. This is KKK level shit.

When $1 represents hundreds of millions of dollars, it holds a little bit more weight.