
Deadspin is now openly stealing content from Barstool Sports.

... or just drive for Uber...

It’s hard to take Deadspin’s racial commentaries seriously when one of its sister sites is literally dedicated to systematically demean white people/culture.

People “should not be going there”? What an inane statement.

“Hate spewing assholes” is not hateful speech? Ironic AF.

Ha if you think that they didn’t intentionally promote my post to save face, then you really don’t understand this site.

In the Sanchize’s defense, he was always good at butt stuff.

The only hateful person it sounds like is you.

The internet equivalent of “Knibb High Football rules”!!!

There’s a difference between “LOLz/funny” and “LOLz/fun”. I would love if they suggested fun cars and not stuff just for a laugh. It’s tiring.

Wow, this looks truly awful.

How is Trump a conspiracy theorist considering Twitter literally admitted this was happening? Maybe not on the scope initially thought, but they’re very clearly blocking certain accounts unbeknownst to the author.

See: posts such as these are immediately promoted because they’re anti-Trump, whereas if you were to post something like “Wow, could you imagine the uproar if this happened to prominent Democrats” would have stayed in the greys. This site is the #1 proponent of shadow banning, so I’m unsure how the pot meet kettle

Not really. Just the only douche bag here is the one you see in the mirror.

Sir, that is a far more rational take than anyone at Gizmodo is contractually allowed to make.

Wait, you think he shouldn’t have been reinstated although both the coaches and players have no problem with it? Are you somehow better than them? Confused here.

Ryan Felton isn’t intelligent enough to understand this. It’s a non issue, but Jalopnik has a daily quota of anti-Trump pieces that they had yet to hit.

Sounds exactly like Democrats. 

I’m pretty sure every Deadspin employee signs an agreement to never have a rational thought.

“...can read as weaselly over here in America...