
How is it that this thread is not an unending line of other makers logos in this grill?

It IS Mercedes, so the retail grill cost is probably the same.

That played out differently in the Michelin commercial.

If this is the worst crash you have ever seen, then why does it not involve a Hellcat?

Now we just need to get some “HA! not even then!” stickers for those cars.

Popular Mechanics is a good source for tomorrows Jalopnik stories as well.

You glorious bastard!

Hello Kitty or not, that Raptor looks darn good on narrow tires.

It’s a nice drive in the winter as well.

Has Karma figured out how to mass produce these yet? Because until they start churning them out, we might as well be talking about the batmobile.

I would be OK with it based solely on the fact that the concept truck rides on 22" wheels and #2 has tires I could afford to replace.

Just came to this thread to see DeLoreans that were not BTTF converted.

My rule is if I want a new speciality tool, I get it from harbor freight. If I wear it out, then I buy a better brand.

In this very special episode, a Starbucks will take on a tag team to see if the cream really rises to the top! Tonight! on Houses vs Cars!

Don’t like it? There is always the food service or garbage collection industry.

I think a shifter in the future wouldn’t shift gears at, but rather control power levels in the car, not unlike in a locomotive. 1st (and reverse) would be electric only low amp draw for parking lots and such. 2nd would allow more amp draw from the battery, perhaps engaging a second motor. 3rd would activate the IC

Hay Torch, What computer is that in the headline? Is it one of the TRS-80 models?

At first I thought, “It took him six months to replace a windshield wiper? He beat my @%$#&$^ record!”

Sooo close to making it on “Houses vs Cars”...

I can’t find the Republic of Verbal on the map...