
This accident being a walkaway for the driver kinda sums up why motorsports is worth the collective investment we as a civilization make in it. It is only by going to the very limit that we learn what is there and how to handle it. Every year cars get a little bit better at protecting their occupants in a crash and a

Well, when they approved it, it was $120, but ten years from now when it is finally delivered the final total will be 1.6 billion.

Presented without comment.

In that case, it would need a sensor to detect if there was another sports car beside you and if there was it would either grind the gears if moving or kill the engine if the vehicle were stopped.

Might as well do it with a CVT since they put completely artificial shift points in there anyway.

“As I’m sitting here, laboriously typing this all out to you, I just want to scream THIS WOULDN’T BE AN ISSUE IF WE JUST LEGALIZED THE POT.”

I’m ready for my five large now, Mr Torchinsky.

If I remember correctly, F-14 tomcat tires took 350psi of nitrogen for carrier landings. Somehow a pilot put the parking brake on while dropping the landing gear at Oceana one day. Big bada boom. Also we had to crane the plane off the runway because the jack point was on the bottom of the strut, which was now sitting

I have the Trailblazer EXT* with the Atlas. I literally hate everything about that truck EXCEPT the straight six, which I love enough to have kept that stupid thing for 10 years. On the advice of the commenters in this thread, I think I shall off road it to death when I replace it in our stable.

Congratulations Torch, You will find that once you have worked out all the details and refined things, you have simply reproduced the modern airport system. Don’t sweat it, I have invented the extension cord like three times, to the same amount of disappointment.

I understand that the people who are good at drag racing will buy the safety gear so they can go drag racing. What are you asking me to explain to those people? They already know that running nines is more than keeping your foot down on the pedal.

NURSE! Mr Torchinsky is disturbing the other paitents. I am going to reduce his Writenol perscription. Also, let’s go ahead and administer some Thorzine until ths episode passes.

My point is that wolves are ruthless killers. That does not make them evil, that is just what they have to do to survive. If the wolf population grows too large, they devastate the local wildlife then starve. A starving wolf will try and kill a bear or a more dangerous human, because the alternative is dying. A bullet

Running nines is more than keeping your foot down on the pedal.

I would just have mine* engraved “Bob” and when people asked me about it I would say, “That’s the car’s name, not mine stupid!”

First off, the pilot ejected THEN the plane crashed. It does not happen in the other order. Second, the pilot ejecting and the plane not crashing is actually something that does occasionally happen.

The chair reminds The English Guy that to propose such an amendment to Alaskans, one has to first survive a three mile chase from a pack of wolves. Although one is allowed all the painkillers and sedatives that the wolves normally allow moose when they eat them to death.

When I see the “Made with real cheese” on the label, I imagine the Kraft people taking this 5 pound block from the fridge every morning, taking it down the production line, showing it all the processes, then carefully returning it to the fridge. You have to be careful with the cheese, it is 198 years old now, They are

“There are no words for this calamity.”