The pinto merely suffered from bad press.
The pinto merely suffered from bad press.
If ice dancing can be an olympic sport, so can this.
I have a semi-related question. What is the worst gas milage you will accept in a dailey driver? I know mine exactly, 25mpg. I know this because I bought an older mustang thinking I would only drive it on weekends. once I found out it got over 26mpg* average, I gave away my econobox**, but I have a nice truck that…
You drove here in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.
Sir, are you trying to say that you work at a lot where someone actually tried to sell a base Jeep Wrangler without every option and several dealer add ons? Because, I do not cotton to those sort of shinanigans!
It has never been about money, you are way off. I learned about the world the old fashoned way, by making it work.
Capitalism gives control to the people. Where the state rules you get horrible pollution. However, the belief that there is some magic system that will solve things for you is a false premise. Any system, from tyranny to anarchy would work fine as long as the people had each others best interest in mind. You blame…
This is the same thought sequence I have when I see “Best in its Class.”
About 100 cubic miles. Big enough for a producing metals mine and several 200 person communities which would be deep enough for protection from solar wind.
The classic example is environmentalists and industrialists. Neither of these two groups want waste to one it destroys what is to the other it wastes opportunity. Due to their interactions in the past, they see each other as the enemy, though they can work together and benefit each other.
I think we are all missing the point here which is, what the the owners manual recommend he change his tire pressures to?
The biggist problem we have right now is people tripping all over each other trying to do good for the world. That is not the worst problem the world can have.
“Giant”? That tiny chip of rock? It would take a thousand fishermen discussing it continuously for a week to get that up to “Decent Sized”.
The problem is that the size of the vehicle would have decreased until nobody could get in it.
Mr. Pietenpol was referring to airplanes when he used the word “ship,” aircraft are still occasionally called that even today.
The great part is that we can then hire James May to put all that stuff back together. Also maybe hire Richard Hammond to sneak it back into Clarkson’s garage.
I have heard that if you are very good, take care of the Yugo, always hand wash it and never fuel it after midnight, it will spontaneously turn into a Lada Niva.
<<Throws chowder injection system in garbage and prepares to start over with french onion.>>
The 10mph driver in the land of 5mph drivers. I saw worse than this yesterday in Chicago on the freeway.
You can’t just shift it into 6th. You also have to REEEEEEAAAAALLLLY BELIEVE in it for that to work.