
Never mind, the device is completely impossible anyway, it would take a series of tubes the likes of which I dare say, the world will never see.

Is it too much to think that this fool and his money will soon be parted again?

If only they had some sort of device that would let you contact another person in a remote place and communicate your needs to them. Then THEY could do it without the need to travel there. Why, the cost savings alone... No, no, don't get up, I will take on the challenge of inventing such a sci-fi device. Off to the

Probably used less time, money and energy than having it in his living room for a year. What you need to ask yourself is; do you want him sniping his xbone or YOUR online kills.

I even like the color.

Here is an experiment you ABSOLUTELY NEVER WANT TO DO. (though most car mechanics have already accidentally performed it) Pour some gasoline on your hand. Now wash that off and dry your hand thoroughly. Now go stick your hand across the terminals of your cars battery. Which of those seems more dangerous now? I seem to

The Arduino unit is superfluous. A motion detector should not need anything else to turn on an LED. Motion is a low value product of going to the bathroom anyway. Do it like the aircraft bathrooms do, put the switch on the lock.

Garbage trucks don't have to fly. So weight is not an issue. Have you seen the multiple disk units on large aircraft? They work extremely well, but can hold enough heat to catch fire if they are used too much. OK for once per flight, but not for every five minutes.

No, sorry, state regulations do not allow you to tow cars without proper certifications. So, take this here flame thrower...

The entertainment industry, even though they hold up a facade of being so inclusive, are even more sexist, racist and homophobic than you imagine the GOP is. Face it folks, your little torchlight parade is being led by monsters worse than the ones you think are in the castle ahead and it is being done at a profit.

When I returned from deployment in 2010 I was presented one of her paintings by my wife. (The one of Uncle Deadly in the lower right hand corner at 1:32) My only commissioned artwork, it holds a treasured position right above my computer screen. I still look at it every day and smile.

This is not a flying car, or a plan for a flying car OR even a precursor to a flying car. It is, in fact, a huge money suck, financing someones dream of pretending to be a flying car manufacturer.

My guess is spilled alcohol and cigarettes being far more likely, possibly with an assist from non-flame retardant interior materials.

Gawker Media: All headline, no story.

Why isn't the program loading? Oh, the tone is set to low, how does it keep getting set on low? Model I with 16K of mem, and the first of many flight simulators. Good old space shuttle!

Really, when people say "America" the don't mean the United States of America. Alaska and Hawaii are right out because they aren't in the main heap, heck Alaska even gets thrown out of "the continental U.S." even though it is on the same continent. Most of the rest gets ignored, because of the lack of drama they

Once electric cars abound (and I certainly hope they do, I always thought electric cars were cool), there needs to be put in place a system that slows down vehicles by changing their momentum into stored energy. This would happen in the mile or so before stop signs, traffic lights, speed zones, school zones and the

Your argument is not valid. You have neglected that you share the road with others, all of whom are driving cars of unknown performance with unknown levels of skill. If you cause a crash due to panicking another driver or forcing them beyond what they are capable of responding to, it is as much your fault for the