
This. So much this.

I think that is an excellent use of time and effort.

I can only think that I would have to pee *so* bad about two miles in.

Which you think would be the logical argument here with the Repugnicant Party, but no. Because as we all know, HBC kills babies and and we're all about protecting unborn life as opposed to real lives with a fucking Social Security card and citizenship (remember, immigrants with no papers are not people. They are

I did not know this!!!! AHHH!

I must read these.

Watching this trailer makes me feel like.......I need high ceilings.

I am so thankful for my period right now.

1) Nickelodeon booted John Kricfalusi from production after the first season and the cartoons are noticeably less funny. 2) I think, like Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy probably wasn't really hitting its target audience, and more people like my brothers' age were interested (teens as opposed to little kids) 3) The

At least she was at Fry's and not at a grocery store buying gallons of Carlo Rossi?

If she did stuff like this instead of horrible over-produced and auto-tuned music, I would actually maybe listen to an album. I didn't know these backyard sessions existed, so thank you, barlychew (it rhymes!)!

This is the only remotely good thing I've heard her do musically, but you're right. She hasn't had the experience to really back up this song. I mean, no one can be Dolly, but Jack White's version is my favorite.

I feel like the whole Y-fronts thing is "cool concept, bad execution"
Everything else I'm kind of liking, but none of the cover shots are working for me. I think most of the other photos are far more interesting than the covers.

Whoa, wait, that was her???? Well I didn't recognize her, so.........good job?

I marathon watch MadMen when I visit my folks, so I'm behind on a few seasons. WTF is she on there? Talk about a weak link. See, I just was really looking at her face now and it looks like they were trying too hard to make her look young.

my friend teaches high school classes, and she had a student not know what Florida is. At all.
And when she tries to get them to come to conclusions, they say "Why don't you tell us, Miss? You know the answer."

The length of his jacket makes him look like a little kid in his big brother's clothes. Maybe he was upset with his tailor.
Either way, yeah, he seems like a giant douche. I'm sorry, seems like? Is. Is. 100%

this almost looks like a yoga/pilates outfit to me?? Looks so comfy. love the blue top.

That is it, I think. They almost look like clip-ins. Also not loving the color. Looks brassy.

In my town, Wednesday night is Big Ass Glass night in afew bars. 4 people can share those damn things and get plenty trashed, without the grossness that is cheap tequila. I need glasses that big. I have glass envy.

sriracha in my margarita though....hmm, I would try that. It's good on everything else.