
This is all awful, horrible, no-good, very bad news, but why is this news?
SVU, CSI, and others ALL use "ripped from the headlines"-style plot-lines. Have always and have forever done this. I am a true-crime fanatic (Hello, I.D. Discovery Channel!), and in most of these, when I watch them, I can tell which case

I always wear my collar to bed when I'm with my man. It helps me know my place.

OOoh what is that from?

My only props for Chili's and Olive Garden is that they have gluten-free options, although Olive Garden had no fucking clue how to cook GF pasta and it was a soggy mess.

All the restaurants off of exit ramps of interstate highways.


I can't think of any time I have rejected my current boyfriend's advances, unless it was a legitimate illness (like legitimate rape, you know, when you legitimately have a yeast infection, not just faking one to get out of your male superior's advances). But I usually get rebuffed in the morning when I wake up first,

I <3 that movie so much! It was awesome. Sofia is wonderful.

I'm glad you guys had this exchange, because it cleared up a lot. I stalked Jezzie for quite a few months, and only started commenting recently before kinja set it, and this helped a lot. If this was a more traditional thread system, I wish I could "sticky" this somehow for new users/confused people.


Ahh, I'd kind of like to watch those. I was too little at the time to really *get* that. I'd watch it SO HARD now.

With spandex and Lycra!

I think........I love you.

I agree with HS about him not changing. Besides, wtf? Oral is only for serious relationships....But banging is for funsies? 'Kay. I call bullshit. Dump his selfish non-oral ass and go find yourself someone who's awesome in bed and thinks your lovely lickable ladyparts deserve affection.

Aaaaaaand now I'm going to watch Douglas Sirk films til I pass out.

Buttons for........easy access?????

Don't fret! With Jantzen, you can bend!

I really love everything about this, but something about the guy in number 8 made me *really* miss Patrick Swayze. ;_;

I'm not sure Taiwan deserves that.

This is her "approachable" scarf. It smells of DKNY Apple!