
It seems like the fireworks or whatever was making a sound set him on edge so when a figure appeared at the window, perhaps holding something, his brain could have easily told him, “Someone is shooting at me”. That or he could have easily accidentally fired as well.

How was his gun even out of his holster while sitting in the car though?

Either this officer just straight up is a serial killer and murdered her or something happened other than “she walked up to the car and was shot”. There are too many missing pieces. Troubling.

The mere fact that the first comment here is one painting a deeply sympathetic and fully humanizing portrait of the victim with details about the normalcy and relatability of her life corroborates your theory.

I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the Trump faction as bereft of ideology. They very much seem to think “fuck everyone who isn’t us” is a world view. They aren’t nihilist. Say what you will about the tenants of national socialism, at least it’s an ethos as Mssr. Sobchak informed us.

“Barring the DNC bullshit, and if you say that wasn’t real, go piss off, the DNC basically admitted it was, but ignoring any of that, he was up against one of the most well-known politicians in the country, a former First Lady, someone who had a lot of corporate ties. He was a total underdog, and what did he walk

“Hillary Clinton. This is the result of the Democratic Party’s existing strategy. A candidate, the most inside of insiders, handpicked to run in an election with unprecedented anti-establishment sentiment, beaten by a buffoon who at least spoke his stupid mind, and who is now confirming everyone’s worst fears of

Repeatedly punch a virtual woman in the face? Fine.

I want him to win every time he plays.

What IS that? Fed always looks like he’s been sitting in an air conditioned green room at a publicity shoot - after playing a Grand Slam Final

Ask a person who can’t afford to buy food about films about eating disorders.


*kills black person because they’re black

If there’s anyone who can be forgiven for not being willing/able to conform the the norms of monogamous relationships it’s a, to put it charitably, unconventional-looking former drug dealer who, through grit, talent and inordinate luck, transformed himself into one of the most important media

You know what? The world is spiraling down the drain. Sleepwalk your way to another $30M I ain’t even mad. He’s been uniformly great in the role and I can’t be arsed to meet a new Bond at this point.

Kim and Park were certainly bigger TV stars than Caan and what’s his face. They should have been paid more than them from the start.

-“We did not want to lose them and tried very hard to keep them.”

Now playing

Ain’t not slavery like American slavery cuz American slavery don’t stop!