
Bruh. Read Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee. White people massacred indigenous men, women and children to take the land they’d already promised they didn’t have a right to. You think that happened like once? The disease that killed the most indigenous people is called Europeans.

“Colonization never once seeks to ram down your throat the common story-telling thread that the British are en evil imperial force, the Americans a hardy band of freedom-loving individualists fighting for their rights. That one side were the bad guys, the other, the good guys. Which is great, because history is

Kids would know not to play with fireworks. You’re a grown ass man, dog. The PSA should be “Keep idiots away from fireworks”

I saw feud and TX speedway coupled with the fact that this wasn’t a publicized story and assumed, wrongly, it involved white people.

Black person writes a tweet about confederate monuments and BLM is a terrorist organization. A bunch of white people riot at a public family event and crickets from the press. Typical.

Meh. A game playing without crashing, which ME:A does not do is not an accomplishment.  EA doesn’t get props for shipping a mostly finished game. They cut a bunch of corners and it showed. People, myself included, dropping $60+ for the promise of a step up from the previous high quality product only to get ME:A

I think he’s just dumb. He’s been that longer than anything else in his life. He’s what happens when you take a human brain and actively work at not developing it.

First of all, his bad for getting on a boat to Drunk Becky Island thinking his shit was not going to get spectacularly fucked up.

That poor bull is going to be traumatized. His co-worker was killed right before his eyes.

How does this happen on a reality show where everything the contestants do is controlled/observed/scripted, presumably? I mean the show were the ones that provided the alcohol in the first place, yes?

What evidence is there that she’s a poor sport? In my view, the overwhelmingly negative criticism Serena has received over the bulk of her career outweighs any one fit of pique. It’s worth noting, however, that Serena hasn’t accumulated a significant enough losing record to provide relevant context to determine if

So a GOP politician actually assaulting a reporter is definitely on your list too, right?

Haha. Enjoy jail, mf.

Isn’t everything a function of how much the one billionaire who owns the team wants to make? The owners colluded with the league to create the salary cap so everyone could make the same relative profit instead of the Mark Cubans of the world outspending the Dan Gilberts. If Minnesota decided they wanted to step up to

The trailer opens with an Negro spiritual, multiple black avatars/NPCs show up in the first 30 seconds and the best y’all can do is draw a parallel between the automotive industry because the game is set in Detroit? You guys know America was a slave society right? You remember that one day in History class when

Ivanka Trump is a horrible cunt. I said what I said.

It all looks very nice but I have a PS4. I don’t need an XB1010111014KUHDCSIT1000. And I certainly don’t need to pay a subscription fee to play some mmo-inspired Destiny clone no matter how pretty it looks on the PC you dragged to E3. I’ll just play ME2 and RDR again on 360.


I love that even in an milieu that’s STEREOTYPICALLY emblematic of the African American experience, white supremacy still finds a way to make it about cis white males.