You’re sure to get your cell mate’s attention.
You’re sure to get your cell mate’s attention.
When, in the history of the America, has rich guys getting an additional unearned benefit, even inadvertently, helped poor and working class people? No snark. I’m just basing my comment on all the publicly funded stadiums that have saved billionaires a few million dollars but not really “revitalized” burned out city…
He dresses like a clown car banged a box of Crayons.
Good Lord, that review was like listening to a sonata. I would have been satisfied with “it’s good; go see it” but I feel smarter having read that.
My gaming fell by the wayside for a variety of reasons none of which bears repeating. As such, after grimacing my way through ME:A I’ve gotten back on the wagon and plan on finishing DE:MD, Arkham Knight while currently Shadow of Mordor is consuming waaaay too many of my waking hours. Then I think I’ll pick up Prey on…
White folks running to the only brother they know to co-sign their bullshit is what I am not here for.
Posting is therapeutic so I’d forgotten that I even wrote all that but going back to it after a little time, the sentiment still holds up for me. Not saying that what I said necessarily pertains to anyone else’s experience but I have no regrets.
*reads headline; thinks:
Well, it’s not like the producers were NOT going to take the opportunity to make a black man look like shit on national television. This is America. That’s kind of our thing.
It’s bad. Mine is the last generation of black people who had a reasonable belief in “the plan”: get an education, get a good job, marry well, have a strong black family. The current generation is seeing first hand that that was always bullshit. The best any of us could hope for was to be the one “exceptional”…
Why wasn’t the best thing for Comey to do was declare Clinton and Trump are both under investigation and let it be a wash? It feels, from a layman’s perspective, that Comey picked a horse to back and it blew up in his face and now he’s rectifying after the fact because he has a modicum of integrity. Granted, I could…
I get what you’re saying but Comey was chasing a lead he had a reasonable suspicion was specious, yes? Further he did so, again, reasonably understanding that such action would be deeply prejudicial against one candidate. All this while failing to disclose information (i.e. Trump campaign under simultaneous…
God forbid you create a nuanced, thoughtfully rendered narrative rooted in the indignous and/or immigrant experience in the American West. That would be every bit as in keeping with the mythos of the time period as Marsten’s revenge drama. To that point, is this the story of his son or a different main character all…
Tangentially related question: What’s the point of developers not using character creation? Wouldn’t it make more business sense to let your market play as a character of their own choosing as opposed to continuing to force everyone to play as a white guy with short brown hair? I know there are technical animation…
tl;dr Rich white guys fucking it up for everybody else again, yes?
For real tho isn’t there a technique for escaping a rear naked choke? Shouldn’t her 24 y/o strength been enough to easily dislodge her opponent?
If you’re not sending a 12 y/o kid over the top rope with a horse kick to the chest you don’t deserve to call yourself an MMA fighter.
There must be some show that I loved that was complete crap but I can’t remember what it might have been. The Seinfeld finale was so bad it killed Frank Sinatra so you’ll get no argument me there.
Subtle. I like it.