The sexy alien lady was Jaime Chung, so I am assuming that is his girlfriend back in S.K. Looking at Wikipedia, she has a re-occuring role.
The sexy alien lady was Jaime Chung, so I am assuming that is his girlfriend back in S.K. Looking at Wikipedia, she has a re-occuring role.
I see, I get it. You were lampooning me. It was a simple lampoon.
You fucking idiot, Jeremy, you total, fucking idiot!
“You call that a Crocodile Dundee reboot trailer — THIS is a Crocodile Dundee reboot trailer!”
It’s too bad Clive Warren isn’t in more films... ;)
I made the exact same comment, and I was only a day late in my observation!
“Are we the baddies?”
“But actually Bernie, our most interesting find is that you’re also related to Donald Trump.”
Poor kid. I cannot imagine the paranoia/fear/anger that must be triggered in a young artist whose performance venue has been the scene of such tragedy, such horror. I keep thinking of the tailspin Amy Schumer went into after the cinema shooting during one of her films. It must take tremendous, unseen courage to move…
Do you remember when people used to say that 2016 was the worst year and that they could not wait for the 2017?
Oh, heavens, I totally agree with you, and, even in this country, the Irish and Catholics have historically been treated as other or lesser, no question!
Hey! I totally get where you’re coming from on a certain level, especially when it comes to the privileges of whiteness , but I must inform you I think your comment is misguided. The Irish, like many other people, were oppressed for hundreds of years under colonialism. The famine is an example of “we aren’t going to…
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.
As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.
Dumb-possibly-obvious question from someone who doesn’t use Twitter and only sees them linked in news posts (like this one!): How do you tell it’s an Android tweet? Is there like a symbol in those linked Tweets above or a different font style or something?
He is such a piece of hot flaming garbage.
Johnny Cash once sat at the table next to mine at the Bottom Line on night. He had the courtesy to not pester me the entire evening. I remember giving him a grateful nod as I left.
The “double” horror genre is the scariest kind of horror genre.