
This is obvious from the promo, too. Whatever it *looks* like on screen, the opposite happens. Ergo, the promo makes it look like the Saviors will go down in flames, which means, of course they won’t.

Is it wrong that as Simon is murdered, I want him to be singing, “You picked a fine time to beat me, Lucille...”

Per spoilthedead, the attack is actually a success. Quiet a bit of hilltoppers die/are infected.

He does have a thick leather jacket on, which is the most sensible piece of clothing anyone wears on this show.

Actually the answer is yes. Not going to say how/why etc but the answer is yes 100%.

She’s right. This isn’t about being found guilty or innocent in a court of law. Having your work on display is an honor even if it’s your rinky dink school that bestows it. Getting embroiled in a sordid scandal means you aren’t worthy of that honor anymore even if you avoid jail.

“Franco, who graduated high school in 1996,”

How fucking narcissistic do you have to be to think that your high school alma mater would want TWENTY TWO GODDAMN “WORKS OF ART” by you plastered all over the walls? One or two would have been a nice gesture by a famous alumnus. Twenty plus? What the fuck, Franco?

You know they were dying for an excuse to paint it over.


If you see someone who needs help, don’t wait for them to reach out to you. Go to them.

Oh my hell, best wishes to Snyder’s family. This is absolutely heartbreaking.

Ancona, who is known for claiming that the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian organization, not a racist one—as if the two are always mutually exclusive

Yeah probably a bad thing to crap on a family after something like this. Can’t say I’m really sympathetic though. He was a high ranking member of the KKK. Any family member allowing him to bolster the most racist organization in US history deserves zero fucks.

Good riddance.

I didn’t know it was ‘shopped, so thank you.

Aren’t most adults alcoholics though?

Apparently some of the balls were open to the public and you could buy tickets to them So maybe they were Trump supports, maybe not, be we can all agree that Baio sucks and literally throwing punches is the answer in this administration. Sweet. Jesus.

I heard that Richard Spencer is pissed that she wasn’t there to protect him too.