
If the show was consistent in how things work, you wouldn’t have any zombies (in any real numbers) after the first year.

My bigger issue was that Aaron was standing RIGHT THERE with a CLEAN BANDAGE, as if anticipating the whole episode. Guy’s a walking CVS Pharmacy.

As a huge fan of the show the scene where Negan talked to the kid about “Nut tapping” with his meaty/beefy fingers might be the worst dialogue ever recorded to film, enough to finally make me stop watching. I understand he was bonding with him and the airplane part was fine, but to spend so much time convincing this

They said that on Talking Dead too. It’d be  a stretch to say that means it’s definitely going to happen, but it’s definitely something they plan to do.

Damn, I thought this was an A episode—full of surprises, and clever in its bringing together divergent plot lines. I haven’t enjoyed the show this much in years. And I’m glad Rick is still alive (even though weeks of promos all but promised he would die).

Yeah, I’m Team Pete on this one. He was doing a promo for Saturday Night Live, for fuck’s sake, which is a COMEDY SKETCH SHOW. Ariana Grande’s response was stupidly immature. Quite frankly, I give massive side-eye to anyone who airs their personal issues on a public forum, whether or not they’re a celebrity. The whole

I am actually Team Davidson on this one. He was clearly making a dumb joke about his bad luck in love and the fact that their engagement was the literal definition of a media circus (and referenced several times on SNL already). Her clapping back just ... doesn’t sit right with me.




one side of my family is from Florida and they are all batshit ... i speak to none of them and pray for myself daily the crazy is not genetically passed on

FYI, the plural of Florida Man is Florida Mans.  Although is Florida Man multiple men or just one Man?

Oh, for the last time, Michael isn’t addressing ally Floridians, this article is about all the FloridaMen.

Hey, my mother lives in Florida, and she doesn’t go driving around on the hoods of cars, doesn’t have a confederate flag, and keeps her alligator at home. She certainly knows to wipe her prints from any devices she mails out. She certainly didn’t vote for trump.

My brother assured me ain’t no black person gonna pay for that much postage so I knew we were in the clear.

No, it doesn’t need to be abolished. Certain people just need to be put down when they do unspeakable crimes. MOST people shouldn’t, but some def should.

But then our executions would look like actual executions. We can’t have that. We have to make our executions look like medical procedures - lab coats, needles, injections, gurneys, etc. 

No, it doesn’t need to be abolished. Certain people just need to be put down when they do unspeakable crimes. MOST people shouldn’t, but some def should. We need to just take these piles of shit out back and put a 9mm in them. They cost 10 cents/ea. Problem solved. Quick, painless, efficient, and you don’t even need

It was probably your mom.

What if I promise really hard to not tell anyone?