
So, I am anxious to know if Mary in fact DID betray The Ross Marquand character by leading them into a trap. I wanted to believe she was on the level, but now...

It’s fine to rank on it for the lawlz, but I enjoyed it, bizarre ending aside. It’s been one of the only constants in my life for years. I’ve buried a son during this series. I've met and hugged Scott Wilson. I, for one, wept. 

Exactly. Pete admittedly has mental illness. Even this article put him on blast like he was just a normal 24 year old. Not the case.

You do understand Pete has mental illness. He has gone public about it. Very unfair of you to put him on blast under the circumstances. He is not the average 24 year old. FYI.

It was the second anniversary of my 23 year old sons death and I watched with constant tears. He was brilliant and schizophrenic, the very reason that drew me to this program last year. He believed in these theories, and even thought he could teleport. He was in and out of hospitals, on and off medications, had

Hilarious, Drew. I only wish that you proofread this bitch first. Read it again and see where you done derped.

The actual quote is service IN something, not OR something, which also struck me as profound. Some other typos, Ultimately rather than ultimate would be appropriate. Also AFFECTION is likely what you were going for, but autocorrect reared its ugly head. Proofreading, dear! A lost art in this age of spelling that fixes