Maybe a doctor as well?
The modern bra hasn't been around very long, no — although it seems that something people these days might recognize had existed before it was "invented" — but supportive garments for women have been around for a very long time. Some were (and are) more restrictive than others, most notoriously (and perhaps…
I get the point you're going for here, but "it's just fiction" is one of the poorest defenses a work of fiction can have. Fiction can reflect, reinforce, and even invent societal attitudes and stereotypes.
Ah, yes, science. I'm guessing you're getting this information from that French study done a couple years back? Well, thankfully, one study does not make a definitive conclusion. There is evidence that suggests (or even concludes) that breast and bodily pain from said breasts is real (a few seconds with a search…
If I have to imagine queer and trans* back-stories for characters that are the equivalent of background tabula rasas, that's probably a good sign that the creator(s) of a work aren't exactly big on representation.
Fiction can have an impact on real life.
As a giant queer, I never found Dumbledore's orientation clear. The announcement of it was a farce. I guess if I had just squinted a little harder whilst reading ...
She is just making shit up. It's after the fact and it isn't in the books, so why read into the series more than is actually there? Because someone tweeted something?
And yet we saw plenty of people being explicitly straight.
Or queer characters never show up because they never show up.
Hm. Interesting. I'd recommend a tiny fix to the headline, however:
All authors are dead, in a way.
But books are ultimately written by an author. The inclusion or exclusion of queer characters is a conscious choice.
Implied is not the same as expressed.
There were a lot of obviously straight characters, however.
This post is really directed more at this thread than you, but I thought I'd reply to your post first since you mentioned one of my hated tropes, the Word of Gay.
Okay, after hitting up that reddit sub, my family is now close to perfect in my eyes. Jesus. How do some people survive their childhoods?
Oh, wow. You have not been having a good day. That one about the butter is a crime. Who decimates the butter stash on Thanksgiving? That's against common courtesy. :[
Has no one here ever experienced the culinary de-light that is Jell-o salad? No? Granted, I've never had the version that's as disgusting as the image in my post, but carrots or marshmallows in Jell-o is gross enough. I can't handle gelatin. It's like cold mucus on a plate. And if it goes room temperature, forget it.