
Something that really pops, like pink, purple, or red would be awesome. I've seen pink before. But blue armpit hair doesn't look all that distinctive (at least from what I can tell in this video.)

I can only assume that Emma went on to 'smile' like a certain doctor after that remark ...

That's spectacular.


A hermit-like main character in a story with gorgeous scenery and a John Hughes vibe all whilst the difficulties of human interaction must be navigated during a possible mystery in the middle of nowhere?

As someone who can't multitask — serious single-track mind — I applaud your post.

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Also terrible: swords pulling from scabbards with a metallic sound. When the scabbard is leather. 'Tis a sound that pains me to my very soul.

Well said. When it comes to games, the writing bits are all too often tacked onto a series of cool ideas. Which can work for a lot of games — yet falls very flat in RPGs, for instance. Instead, it'd be better for those cool ideas to grow organically out of the characters and the world.

Disagreed. Sexism is everywhere in every culture. Culture produces fiction. Fiction can reinforce existing standards or produce others by desensitizing audiences to certain things, like violence or rape. Seeing things play out in fictional arenas can help normalize those behaviors or mindsets. Research on this is

Writing is undervalued in every medium, including books. In games, it's an afterthought.

Yeah, telling people they might not be able to see beyond their own privilege is really narrow-minded.

Fiction can and does have an impact on real life. To claim otherwise is simply untrue.

Read up on actual feminism. Not the "man-hating" radfem kind that only exists in stereotypes and the rare crazies. The kind that says sexism against women creates sexism against men. The kind that says double standards exist and are harmful. Feminists don't believe that only women matter when it comes to violence,


I've always liked these ones; she really looks tough compared to most modern incarnations.

Was disappointed when none of the offerings above looked physically strong. Now this version of WW, she looks like she can actually beat up baddies. Very nice.

Ah, yes, the whole "there are people starving in X", "you don't have it as bad as", and "what about Y? That's a bigger problem" therefore you can't care about anything else fallacy. One of my un-favorite non-arguments that internet problem-solvers use to derail any conversation they might find objectionable, usually

Thank you for the sense-making, internet stranger. Your post deserves more stars for bringing truth up in here.

Entertainment reflects and reinforces real-world standards. Games do not make themselves or buy themselves. Compromise is a thing. Even great artists have critics. There is no lone genius slaving about in an ivory tower and there never has been. Patronage has long been replaced with throngs of consumers. Video games

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I really love FFIX. For me, it's second only to FFVII, and FFVI is third. I'm sure I'll get people telling me why I'm wrong to like things, which only makes me wonder why the narrative for fans is now "shit on FFVII at every possible opportunity".