
I like that it was just 'a couple' rather than 'a gay couple'. Because they are just a couple. :3

I use 'feminist' because the word still has a stigma attached. It reads as poison. There remains a knee-jerk reaction.

Dude, there are soooo many other places you could read along with Jezebel. It's cool that you got your start here, but don't stop looking. :)

Which traditional masculinity?

I hope it counts when a trans man does it.


God, I hate this term too.

A man being a feminist and believing in equal rights for all is still seen as a transgressive act in this world, rather than default mode.

What's the general opinion on "The Wiggles"? (A niece nearly killed me with that show.)

And everything suddenly makes sense.


I always thought "fake it till you make it" was a BS platitude...

Or get a haircut/some outfits you'd never see yourself wearing. That works too. Makes you look avant garde if you just roll with it.

That this sort of thing is even being made by a large company is indeed a sign of progress.

Good points, good post.

Bah hahaha. That snake-dick witch scene was great.

For anyone saying, "I don't care about being anonymous! I put my name everywhere!":

Said it better than I could.

Wow. That's just ... I can't even ...