
At least someone in Colorado is learning something from their head coach.

ESPN wisely didn't tell him to "hit the showers" for a week.

I was stupid and childish

Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do

Eh, this is really just a rhythmic slap on the wrist.

Not everyone has enormous boobs. I don't, for example.

I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."

You can almost hear the champagne corks popping.

Is he also five months behind on reading their site? This "news" is from September, according to the links other people have been posting.

I think it makes sense that the government would kill 27 people in a small town to prove a point about guns, but refuse to fudge numbers on a spreadsheet. They gotta draw the line somewhere.

It was neither a mistake nor an oversight. The murders fell under the jurisdiction of the State police, who filed all of the reports in that case. The listing was about crimes the individual local jurisdictions throughout the state had filed.

In case anybody missed it, the FBI released data on the number of crimes in the US in 2012. For Newtown, CT the number of murders is listed as 0. Rather than a mistake or oversight, the tinfoil hat brigade have taken this to mean the FBI is admitting Sandy Hook was a hoax.