
A team forfeiting a league title after a tragic school shooting, this is what happens in Obama's America.

This isn't even a FRESH HOT TAKE... If you go back and watch old SportsCenter reports from when the allegations first surfaced against Bryant, you'll find anchors discussing how much the criminal charges would help Kobe's 'Street Cred.' Which, even at the time, left at least me saying, "Wait, what?"

I'm a good person with a huge heart and everyone who knows me knows that

"scumbag agent"

Not much man what's raw with you

Pictured: Members of two different groups who vowed never to be burned by the Heat ever again.

Playing the game the Reich way.

You forgot to add "Deadspin reader who is a Cardinal fan, gets to whine in comments about 'being ragged on' again."

You know what really helps your point look good? Using "white" and "middle class" as pejoratives.

And you get to feel superior and write a comment about Deadspin dissing the Cardinals and their fans. So you win, too!

Best Klans In Baseball

To be fair, when he works with the kids, he really puts their blood, sweat and tears into it.

You are correct sir. I've lived in St. Louis all my life, never left once. Could you tell me about this, so called "reality" you speak of. Sounds scary.

As someone who spent their first 26 years of like in Missouri and is a lifelong Cardinals fan, I highly support this message. Francis Slay is an embarrassment, and I have no idea on God's green earth why he keeps putting out these dumb press releases whenever someone as much as steps on the heel of the Cardinals

Teddy Bridgewater said the message was "Very deep. Like, the kind of deep that takes a couple weeks before it scabs over and eventually fades away, although it will probably leave a scar."

He looks like how I imagine Raysism looks.

Steve Bisciotti looks like a guy that Joe Pesci is trying to kill.

Smith's high horse was shot out from beneath him when he posted pictures of the severe branding inflicted upon his son.