
How do you walk around not getting cut up all the time with that thin skin you have?

Ghee. Thanks for clarifying my sarcastic comment as "factually untrue".

To be be fair, Cardinals fans don't like to travel outside St. Louis for fear of reality.

God damn I'm hungry.

But everything's out of his control.

The rest of Richardson's statement was"...I don't have a dog in this fight."

I saw many years ago. I was hoping it had vanished into oblivion. Damn you internet. Damn you.

In a related note: Riley Cooper took a pay cut to play there forever.

Wasn't warned. Put food in mouth. Read sentence. Spit food out.

Tony Robbins is so hatin' right now.

Under governing labor law, an employee cannot be punished twice for the same action when all of the relevant facts were available to the employer at the time of the first punishment.

Looks like someone doesn't understand timing and their place in history.

>> Everything has been allegations...

He should go fuck himself, hypothetically speaking.

Based on this, Greg Robinson is gonna have a hell of a rookie season.

These 2 cannot be traded to separate teams....EVER!

Getting Calipari to call in??!! Francesa is a true master baiter.

Something tells me Arthur isn't aware that the asswipes in this group might not approve of his kind.