

WEEI is gonna get pissed about this one.

I would say violation of the 1st Amendment, but then I'd be trolling.

"Man, why you gotta rock the boat?!"- Fred Smoot

I think he's suing just to air the Vikings dirty laundry in a public forum. So I'll be entertained to no end.

Serene Branson, Cunning Linguist.

It was a hervy, hervy burtation.

Good to know the umps default to their best security measure- Telling the guy he's out of the game.

I think Sage speaks for all of us on this one.

His valet Jenny Tightvaj wasn't at ringside?

This is how the Lord's prayer should always begin.

Coconut oil is the world's greatest lubricant. I can't help where your mind goes with this.

Is it really possible that nothing substantial has come along in sports drink science in the past four decades that would make Gatorade a better drink?

I've known Kobe Bryant, and you Mr. Klinsman, are no Kobe Bryant..."

Anyone know the whereabouts of Pedro Martinez.

Now playing

Nice touch with the close-up of the squirting blood at the end.

"What a crime that he has to cover this up in order to continue in the business"- Carlos Colon

Using the old cut-and-paste wording I used on my college papers to avoid plagiarism.-Well played Rovell, well played.