
Wait... the light is on the side, not in the stone? Pass.

Nope, I have to scroll all the way to the top to see that widget again. It used to work like you said but no longer.

Wait, how was the fact that they let a homeopath teach the class not the headline of this story?

Here’s how to ace any homeopathy class:
1 - Fail the first test.
2 - Fail each subsequent test
3 - Cut up a piece of the first test
4 - Dilute it in water 10,000x
5 - Pour diluted water on subsequent test
6 - Watch F turn into

Nolan’s Interstellar. Miller’s Mad Max Fury Road. Abrams’ Star Wars.

Bing is pretty awesome for looking up porn, much better than Google. So pong and porn, and maybe anything else that begins with “p”, is all Bing can do.

GPS data from quadcopters like this is FAR more accurate. I own one. It sets a GPS location and returns to it as a home location. I’ve never had it land outside 4-5 feet of where it took off from.

“Do me next, please!”

Please explain how you would “brake” on one of those.

Hahaha... this formula... I always always smile at it...

You can’t call it a bicycle. Bi refers to two. It isn’t two cycles, it is one cycle with two wheels. Maybe you could call it a bi-wheeled cycle.

exactly! And someone else pointed out that the word “Helicopter” is wrong if you analyze it the same way. “Heli” means spiral and “Copter” means wing...more akin to the original spiral design that Leonardo DaVinci sketched....and in that sense “Quadcopter” is actually more ‘correct’ than “Helicopter” because it means

That’s the bit that got me too. So does he think a biplane is two planes?

It’s like watching John Belushi do backflips.

you are right it only costs $5 or so to put a bigger memory chip in there. Others have said that adds up and while that’s true it’s more about making $100-$200 more by charging more for the upgrade.

That idea is as bad as stairs.

I’m pretty sure the biggest problem is its vicinity to the germ warfare repository. They should really close that window.

It’s only a matter of time Dr. Freeman.....

Looks Familiar. What could possibly go wrong?