
Here is the problem with GoPro.

Why do people try to use examples of things that are effectively regulated as why we shouldn’t regulate guns?

Cars are the most hilarious example, as if we don’t have required safety features like licenses, insurance, seatbelts, airbags and occasionally ignition lock breathalyzers, along with speed limits, traffic

The wall, during testing

I used to spend so much time jailbreaking and maintaining my iphones (not gonna lie, I enjoyed it). Then I switched to Android and wondered why I waited so long... Long story short, if you are jailbreaking your iPhone then it’s time for an Android.

I don’t care what the rest of the post says. That Targa.....

Steam controller all the way. It took some getting used to, but once I got the hang of it I never want something else. The sheer amount of buttons to bind is insane. Competitive gaming will always be M+K but for every other game I just go with the Steam controller.

I will only support this technology if I can ride drunk.

Um, a dozen comments and no one points this out? I’m guessing the new iPhone will be a triumph. Regardless, I’d totally be sing this during the monotony of testing iPhones:

AS any Doctor Who fan knows the noise and spinning is down to Doctor Who leaving the handbrake on the Tardis. It spins exactly why a car spins when you use the handbrake, just the Tardis is in space where as a car has friction and grips to the road!

They’ve been known to be used against their owners.

Ninja stars are forbidden in Germany? Maybe it’s because they are too stern.

The last Jedi is Thanos.

Well, given your description of the shape of the MacPro, I would say Apple needs to take the next, obvious, big step in case design: The foot pedal at the base of the unit. Step on it, and the top pops up to allow access to the internals.

Trump will soon need your help intercepting Kim’s missiles...

Get ready for a surprise!

“Oh please... stop it with the headphone jack already... There are already 3rd party lightning to 3.5mm adapters on eBay for $4. You can literally buy one for every 3.5mm device you have. And before you say “what about charging at the same time?” Well, there’s one that allows you to charge at the same time for $7.50