By Grabthar’s Hammer, I think we just became best friends.
By Grabthar’s Hammer, I think we just became best friends.
I’ve had more than a few occasions to do dumb shit in a Challenger Hellcat (honestly, the sound it makes at full chat just doesn’t get old.) But one thing springs to mind.
Well you know, occasionally people buy trucks because they need to use them for trades...
My grandfather “taught” me in a Grand Marquis. The lesson? It consisted of “Just parallel park”. That was it. I practiced fitting that barge of a car into that ridiculously tiny space for half an hour—and then surprise!—had to drive home from that park.
Or better yet, a Box Truck. I saw so many box trucks pulled over the first day of the shootings, it would’ve been easier for me to count how many stars are in the Milky Way.
Without reading through the 411 pre-existing (as of the time of writing this post) comments, I’m going to say that the Mini-Van idea is probably the best.
Pittsburgh has become a hell hole of Man Buns, and Uber Self Driving cars.
I saw the headline for this post, and kept scrolling, and I think I got about 5 articles down before I gave in and came back JUST to ask that exact same question.
S8? Take that TTV8 out, and drop in the V10 from the Huracan back in.
Because there are better ways to spend my time than being afraid. Like Pussy, Alcohol, and Weed.
I did it leaving a strip club at 4am. I don’t remember it, but according to my neighbor, as he was leaving for work—he saw a car pull up blasting pop songs driven by two scantily clad girls, who then giggled, opened the trunk, and out I popped with a shitty eating grin and a bottle of mad dog 20/20 duct taped to my…
The year is 2009. Dead of Winter. The car is 2004 CVPI still wearing summer shoes. Dumb idea? Of course, but there hadn’t been a major snow fall and I had a quarter ton of salt in thr trunk.
When forum idiocy is enough to force someone to move from Maryland to Seattle...