I also am guilty of this crime.
I also am guilty of this crime.
Thank you!
Did anyone happen to notice the name of the city — I found that quite...ironic.
It's my favorite part by sitting in the different Disciple of the Hand guilds. People walk in clothed, walk out in their undies.
Ya know, I was looking at my character last night and praying for a possibility to change apperances — he looks full on retard. Particuarly when in underwear in sandels as all new jobs have.
Ya, the Wii shortage...now that was fun.
I'm debating on finishing Last of Us for a 3rd time and just trading in my console and games/or sell.
You know when the PS3 was released I couldn't get a preorder in I actually bought it off EBay for slightly inflated price because I thought the shortage would last.
Has there been any word on this horrific site design?
I think that's my problem.
Seriously, are they TRYING to get no viewers to this site?
Just finished this series recently.
I just want to see what Walt is going to do with that M60!!!!!!!!
I know it's just their type of game.
That game was fun for no one.
Over a decade ago?
That was the best game out of the entire set.
So...you are telling me if you had 1.4 million dollars on the line — you're gonna try a team fight which you will definitely lose instead of the option to back door...considering you drafted two heroes that have the option of doing it?
I never played any MOBA game ever before Dota 2...ever...