
Stuns don't last nearly that long — you may be experiencing people LAYERING their stuns, so they get something that seems that long...

So, everyone stop what they are doing concerning MOBAs in development? The market is full?

I wonder when this guy is having his funeral?

Doom corner combo.

After your recommendation of Steins;Gate a few weeks back I decided to check it out, and what a great series it is. I have about 3-4 episodes to finish off.

Tina, will you marry me?

The dude had 39 misses....not that impressive...

I guess a question then is...what if she didn't lose her pinky?

If you notice, that's also the code to get in to Columbia 1-2-2.

That was the other mind blowing part of me understanding the Infinite plot, is that in the end...reality was only trying to fix itself —- everyone else were (Booker particularly) pawns in the giant scope of things...he was just forced to keep looping until he finally made the right choice.

Ya, it took me a couple of reads to kind of understand it — but it does make sense. It also reasserts Tina's comment in the video about her being able to manipulate tears via her pinky being left behind.

Here is a post on saw on a Forbes discussion board that seems to explain this very well via Quantum Mechanics (aka...mind can't comprehend). But it's a great explanation to some of the plot points.

You really don't think Booker didn't want to end this infinite loop either? He was essentially just a pawn, playing the part in this endless bloody story...he just couldn't remember.

The Big Sister fights were lame, that was my big issue.

I was honestly not a big fan of 2 at all...hope it's like the 1st.