
Woah!, the one hour and forty minute DK v IG game wasn't riveting?

Liquid would be considered American.

I was so happy they were able to take down — and what a fantastic game to boot.

The omission of wrestling was what baffled me the most. It's one of the oldest sports in the Olympics, is it not?

2 words, Elisabeth Shue — so fine. Give me the original.

Thanks for the morning laugh.

I loved DBZ growing up — this brings back some pretty good memories. It was also the first anime I ever really watched. Sad it was followed up by the abomination that was Dragonball GT


"I put up with a lot of shit being smarter than everyone else through school, I really shouldn't have to put up with it on Kotaku of all places."

"I was reading Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, Douglas Adams, Tolkein, Robert Jordan. Rowling comes along with her first book which I found to be quite mediocre compared to what I was reading at the time, and it becomes a hit."

Are you SERIOUSLY comparing Harry Potter to Twilight? Seriously? And you reference it as a pre-teen melodrama?

197? Nice!

Now playing

Scariest game as a kid? Concerning and octopus? Welcome to hell!

I think Crunchyroll or Funimation sites have it available.

How about the fact, that when you remake a game, it's going to be hard to predict the amount of hardware you need, because you truly don't know what the intial user base will be.

Who shit in your Lucky Charms this morning?

I know this reply is 12 hours later, but how is San Diego?!

I don't know what you're talking about but Funcom developed AGE OF CONAN!

I saw the positives with XIII — I just could not get in to it.

It's not a simple relaunch.