
I’m guessing it will more like a Treyvon Martin thing — “oh, I was so afraid of the nasty homeless guy that I followed him as he was walking away and shot him twice! So afraid!”

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

Hmm wonder if she’ll use the affluenza defense.

Kinda hard to root a device that you sign out at the start of your shift and return at the end of the shift. Don’t know where you are getting malware from without an app store or web browser. It’s a freaking inventory management system, it doesn’t have credit card info or anything important in it.

So you pay a premium for all of the features other companies already offer and have offered for years. Not to mention the iPhone 9 (or 11 whatever comes next... Apple Math?) will probably have all of the same features of the X for the same price as a normal iPhone.

Apple devices are kind of notoriously finnicky about Wi-Fi connections. I manage a small network with 7 commercial-grade access points and about 100 peak users, and the only devices that ever seem to have connection issues are Apple.

We use these in best buy and they are not that great...

So qi, a wireless charging that all Apple purists have been calling non-wireless, is actually wireless according to Apple.

“Apple Day”

I think Steve Jobs paid a publisher $10 million to NOT release the textbook in print format and instead release it iPad only to spark the iPad textbook monopoly.

As a Canadian, I can tell you firsthand I am more afraid of the US fucking up my life right now vs. China or Russia.

I understand that companies need to make a profit and such, but when you claim to be a company in one nation but have moved it out of said country to another just to avoid paying taxes it just seems like bad karma is about to take a toll some how.

I use Google phones only since the Nexus 4, and now on a Pixel and Google’s face unlock is /that/ shitty. Actually, more. Two of my three /sisters/ (I’m a macho macho man) actually could unlock my N6 a couple of years ago. They’re not twins.

The problem was, a federal investigation revealed that not only did Stanley’s snake oil lack any medicinal value, it contained no actual oil from snakes.

Nah, its too late. Let the south sink. Nothing further can be done for them. We’ll let black southerners come north, but that’s it. Can’t trust the rest of them. Let Jesus sort ‘em out in Heaven or whatever

Edison was a thief, fraud and liar. He stole many of his major inventions including the movie camera, and did not invent the light bulb but only found a practical filament material, solely by trial and error. He cheated Tesla out of promised payments, and stole his innovations. He actively tried the destroy Tesla by

These folks are doing the Lord’s own work.

Uber may be fostering a better working environment for the employees that make their software but they’re still a garbage company and I hope they fail.

It’s ok. We all know you’re just trying to troll because you’re insecure around black people.