
Given the verbal masturbation that you constantly do over Apple, this is no surprise.

Actually some of the features have been already available on Windows Phones and Windows Laptops, but don’t let that knowledge get in the way of you being a cunt.

No, ‘it failed’. It didn’t work as expected. He wasn’t demonstrating what to do if it wouldn’t let you in, he was demonstrating how to use it and if ‘failed’. Dress it up how you want, but it failed. You know... the opposite of succeeded. Failed!

Microsoft’s version of facial recognition has undergone tests with twins and shown to work, so there’s no reason to assume that this wouldn’t.

‘False, he switched to a back phone and it worked flawlessly’, but not on the phone he was originally demonstrating with, so it failed at its first hurdle then... it failed.

Excuses excuses excuses...

Too true. Microsoft had this first, full 3d scanning and everything. The sort of Facial recognition that couldn’t be duped by your twin. Microsoft in turn probably weren’t the first, but their facial recognition has been logging me into both my phone and Surface Book for nigh on two years now.

‘They anticipated it’. They anticipated that it would fail and it did. Am I missing something here, as that statement reads like it’s a good thing.

‘It didn’t actually fail’... Yes, yes it did. Whatever excuses you want to make for it... ‘that happens with touched in various circumstances’... etc. etc. It failed. Whatever those ‘various circumstances’ were, that phone should have been set-up precisely without those circumstances in place in order to demo. It

Yeah, sure. That’s why you price them so keenly... I mean extortionately. That’s why, when it’s clear that there were problems with Foxcon and their method of doing business, you just ignored it all.

Don’t you mean, ‘pretend you’ve got a new iPhone X’ but toting any phone that’s been out for the past few years? The features will be the same.

It’s been on us a for a while. As per usual, re-writing history to hint that Apple invented something.

Very talented man, but also quite a floored man. Could be a bit of a bully. If one of his students managed to hit him then he’d go all out to knock them down. Also very paranoid. Having studied Wing Tjun for 15 years, I also like the fact that he turned back to Wing Tjun before he died.

You can come again. And do that again.

Only if you change your name to IMACUNT. Seems somehow more appropriate.

There’s a Fucking reason for that anti-Goop agenda. Mainly the fact that as a company it’s a dangerous lying sack of shit.

What to expect? A complete wankfest basically. We know by now what to expect.

It’s okay. Your PITAS... POTUS... No I definitely mean PITAS is good with the Cyber

Sorry England are also suffering a crisis of leadership. Our leadership are just about as corrupt as Trump, it’s just that they are a lot cleverer than him. Although to be fair, a dead slug with a lobotomy is probably more intelligent.

Shit you mean there were no Tablets before the iPad then. I’d best tell the company I worked for in the early Noughties that extensively used Tablets