
What? So you mean the MP3 market was created by Steve Jobs. Shit, I must be imagining all those MP3 players that existed before the iPod then.

Your Fucking country was founded.... founded on a load of illegal aliens. The only people that aren’t the illegal aliens are the Native Americans, that’s the thing that you Fuckers never seem to remember.

Those of us with intelligence already do.

Beautifully done... beautifully done.

And prosecute people at the drop of a hat for minor infractions. Get their tech supplies from companies that practically employ slaves and when questioned about it claim that it’s nothing to do with them. Apple are one of the worst companies around at the moment. Maybe not worse than Google but really bad. What makes

Aliens... It’s always Aliens.

I’d just like to know if this much Apple Fellating gets you free Apple stuff? There must be some reason behind wanting to look like a moron.

Course it’s End of Days. You’ve got an Orange Turd with a comb over in power.

‘The Good Guys Prevail’. Did he lose then? I’m confused. Surely this Dick Wad doesn’t think that he’s the good guy?

‘Fans’ or some ‘Fans’... a minority of ‘Fans’ more like.

Ah the old trick of claiming that your principles are all good, whilst you quietly behind close doors ream the Fuck out of everyone and everything you can.

So you’re basing it on Samsung’s implementation? Not Microsoft’s which works incredibly well and can’t be deceived by a picture. Good Journalism... /s

Quite apart from the fact that Alexa is held up to be one of the best of the best and that Siri is widely held up to be dumb as a bag of spanners, I think that writing off Alexa and Cortana is the kind of thing that only someone as dumb as Siri would postulate.

Is this what the Orange turd meant by ‘Make ‘Merica Great again’?

That ship’s sailed. The main culprit is Orange, has a Comb Over and very high up job.

So that’s why they’re the most returned item then? Also why they make up the majority of most tech stores bargain basement bin?

Yes. Every bargain basement bin I’ve seen in every tech store I’ve been in is mainly occupied by Apple Watches that they’re trying to get rid of.

Didn’t Kanye West throw himself under a bus like... eons ago?

‘Why your smartphone slows down as it ages’... cause it’s an iPhone

It’s like the Rise of the Third Reich all over again.