It is a very good idea. There should be more stuff like this all round.
It is a very good idea. There should be more stuff like this all round.
I'm sure there's something else on Android, don't know about the iPhone
Christ we're in deep shit if TOR are recommending Macs as being secure. No one in the security industries recommends Macs as being anywhere near secure. Head for the hills.
Not sure about reduced help desk needs with regards to iPhones. We got rid of all our work iPhones because of lack of connectivity options and lack of interfacing with anything other than Apple approved stuff. We're on Android now will soon be moving onto Windows Phone for even greater usability. Ditto with your…
Judging by the purple tint, that ones definitely as if taken by an iPhone.
Thanks for that. Everything I have in my My Documents folder is Kosher, so I'm not really worried there.
Whilst we're on it, and seeing as how you seem genuinely knowledgeable, I have a 125 gig Skydrive account which I set on my main laptop as my My Documents folder, thereby, I'm assuming, providing me with a back up of all my important stuff, does this sound like a sensible idea?
You can set up the start screen to exactly how you want it, so this wouldn't be any faster.
Seems to me that the only message this will send to Apple is, 'keep being an ass hole, you have impunity'.
'Aint that always the way.
Dumb and dumber. These people. Why do their carers let them embarrass themselves like this?
Dumbest question of the year so far.
My God do I remember it. After it had finished I popped into the kitchen to make some tea and having no milk popped out to the front porch to pick up some milk. I was actually shocked to realise that the world hadn't all gone, it was that compelling.
Yay. More people sticking it to the man.
I think it pretty much comes down to hardware really. Some phones will struggle with various apps whilst others wont. That's the beauty of choice really, you can pretty much have whatever configuration you can afford.
Fuck off and don't come back till you've lost the Xenophobia you racist Cunt
It's prejudice, definitely prejudice.
You're not allowed to have friendly debates on here when an Apple device is mentioned. It then becomes full out war with the iFans getting their nukes out over every little perceived slight.
Can't be doing with Google Apps any more. I'm sick of them deleting services you've been using for a while. Makes me nervous to throw my eggs into Googles corner.
I've seen it more and more in all kinds of industries. It's getting ridiculous.