Hes got the reflexes of a cat
Hes got the reflexes of a cat
Surely Drew will be excited to see this.
In 15 years, the NFL will say this is how he got CTE.
I keep thinking about this. There can never be more. No DLC or sequel, let alone replay, could ever be what Outer Wilds was. It’s this perfect thing that I can never have again.
This game is so good that I wish I could re-live it over and over, but with no memory of it from my previous play.
on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.
On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.
It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...
We need a woman champion willing to ride the rails around the country whipping anti-vaxxer essential oil pyramid scheme-shilling Facebook Jesus mom ass.
It’s certainly a movie about the ravages of war - both physical and mental. Rambo is dealing with PTSD and survivor’s guilt - he was in town to visit an Army buddy only to learn to died of cancer related to Agent Orange exposure.
I just recently watched First Blood for the first time, knowing a little about the Rambo series, and was also surprised by that final scene in which Stallone breaks down crying saying he can’t do it anymore. Weirdly moving and sad considering I was trained to think ‘whoah, awesome, look at how cool he killed that guy’…
Dude, SAME. I am also aging and chubby, this will be great.
Great story. He’s like a violent Penn & Teller. I hope he and you don’t suffer too much because of this story.
If you’re making in 6 months what he makes in a game, congrats on being very rich!
Something about his shape and the color of the uniform makes the the Western Union logo look like the McDonald’s arches when you scroll through quickly.
I’m also now convinced that in a better timeline McDonald’s sponsors the Nuggets.
You can acknowledge, rightly, that listing it as a line-item instead of just integrating it into the food prices is a nasty way for restaurant owners to turn their customers against their own employees.
Yup. Last TD was a garbage one, too.
Pretty sure they were down 40-18 at one point, or something similar. To the Browns! And somehow that wasn’t even that surprising! 2019 is a very strange year.
Sounds like perfect weather for a prestigious quadrennial soccer tournament!